We are going to start taking a close look at Rep. Latourette's use of tax payer money via Appropriations Committee requests. We will examine these requests according to their classification on Rep. Latourette's website.
Hello! I have put a link on my web site to your blog - I hope this is okay with you. Love your blog! Please check out my web site at http://kathysak.com On the left of the home page you will see a listing for blogs. Click on blogs and it will take you to a page where I have put a link to your blog. By the way, who are you? Sincerely, Kathy Sak kathysak@sbcglobal.net
We don't Censor...we just make sure its polite and factual! Accusations made against private citizens will not be tolerated. Public Officials, past & present, or those seeking office do not enjoy the same treatment. If you don't like it...don't run for office!
Hello! I have put a link on my web site to your blog - I hope this is okay with you. Love your blog! Please check out my web site at http://kathysak.com On the left of the home page you will see a listing for blogs. Click on blogs and it will take you to a page where I have put a link to your blog. By the way, who are you? Sincerely, Kathy Sak kathysak@sbcglobal.net