Sunday, October 10, 2010

OH-62 and OH-63 Good News and the Obvious

Good news: Sources confirm for us that State Rep. Mark Schneider is done--stick a fork in him.  The Ohio House Democrat Caucus considers Schneider's "top line number" too low, and they have canceled ad buys in the TV market.

Obvious: Sources also tell us, as if this was a surprise, anyone in the know considers Lorraine Fende the winner of OH-62.  That's sad.  Fende is an old, tired, tax 'n spend Vine Street look-alike.  A ham sandwich would be better than Lorraine Fende.

1 comment:

  1. I recently received a swarm of campaign literature that included Mark Schneider calling Ron Young "A typical politician."
    Ron Young challenged the GOP caucus all the time. Schneider can't say that.
    Also, if Ron Young is the "typical" politician, then what is Mark Schneider? Someone who worked for the Cuyahoga County Kingmaker Bill Mason is somehow not a "typical" politician? How laughable.
    Ron Young should come back with an ad and hold nothing back.


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